In your opinion, What would be the appropriate transaction fee?
As a miner, how about 5%
I'm a miner too so, I agree with you.
Anybody has a different % number in mind? I want to hear.
5% crazy nobody ever use coin transaction fee 5% is you joking?
0.1% 1 for 1000 KHC is most fee should be that still to much .01% better
miner get paid solving block
At .01% dev would have to reduce the level of security in the coin to make it less expensive to mine, or good luck finding anyone to mine it and process your transaction.
Why people stop mining? people mine to solve block? are not transaction in block? block is not enough reward to mine? other coins not as much fee and people still mining
maybe i not understand all things
not making trouble just what i think possibly i am wrong
This coin is in early development, but with great potential based on Dev's foresight involving encryption standards and problems involving use of an ASIC by miners that have proven they will dominate the market. Lack of will involving takeover of every aspect of a transaction is a total bonus. It is what it is, it is BTC 2.0 and all credit granted to BTC for pioneering digital currency, no dark market to promote illegal activity, room for growth and an open mind to the community and coding ability proven to me to be worth his salt. I know he can write transaction gateways for POS systems integration based on what I've seen so far. KHC is going through a major overhaul involving the encryption algo all without reset of the blockchain, so that might raise question for some on if it will survive, so yes the coin is not going to have a high network hash rate at the moment. To me, it has the needed qualities to be a success. The rest is community and further adoption. Ideally it should be anonymous as cash to replace it while killing off counterfeit currency. DRK is there, but is based on X11 and already victim to ASIC. As far as FEDCOIN is concerned, I do not think there is a lot of trust from a currency created by those folks. What we all need is currency that will survive mistakes and ramifications created by all of our previous generations. This one is a good candidate.
I agree with things you say
The topic with 5% transaction fee crazy .1% can be good need to change lower
At present the coin is too expensive to mine to attract miners to process transactions at that rate (.01%). You need to try and mine it for a while, then make a call. My response of 5% was designed to be irrational based on the cost of mining the coin at present. As long as it remains ASIC resistant, there won't be a miner takeover like with BTC and a lot of other coins. My worry is that they can beat it and I think that a modular encryption engine that can be updated live by master nodes can provide further defense.