We understand that you are waiting for LC to be listed on some big exchanges. But the answer is that now we have enough money to complete the development, but the amount is quite small for really big exchanges. So our focus now is to develop the game, to publish it, to develop the in-game market and then Lord Coin will be more fetching for exchanges.
So my answer is: if we try to list Lord Coin on any big exchange now, we will spend a big part of our investments on it and in that case, we will be very limited in development - as someone said creating a game requires a lot of money. And obviously, it won't lead to token price growth. So we need to complete the game at first and then it will be easier to list Lord Coin on new exchanges.
We added Lord Coin onto Lykke, in a few months it will be added onto DEEX. It should be enough to start in-game trading. Then we will launch the game and add Lord Coin to new exchanges.
Anyway, we are in talks with a couple of other exchanges and I hope they will list it soon. But our primary focus now is the development.
Ok, thank you. May be this will be better, that you focused on game first. When you going to launch fulll version of game?
But it comes with big changes.
Well, it is quite hard to say when the game is "full". As you know, any online game is constantly being developed. But we expect to implement some significant changes during next 1.5 months. So I suppose we will start an advertising campaign in Russia in the early May. Before that, we will attract some new testers (probably a couple of thousands).
There are many testers right now. What you need is a bug reporting and a system for suggestions.
Many english speaking players have questions, which are not answered.
After the last upgrade so many things are not clear, f.e. the old items will be destroyed by the time, but they cannot be repaired.
Is this the plan?
Also the game is heavily unbalanced in terms of enemy level and the reward of experience if you kill an enemy or the costs of the skilling steps.