Actually the project is unique. However based on the definition and goal of this project "We aim to be the starting point of the internet for finding reliable, accurate information" I can say that there's so many existing search engines now a days that is why the team will be having difficulties of introducing this project. I just want to say that what you are offering, what you are providing is just the same as "Google". Another thing, how will the customers will trust and assure that all of the information comes to your project is truly reliable, accurate and efficient?
@jakezyrus00 - Actually, Google is a facilitator of content - whereas Lunyr would be a creator of it. Google places websites with trustworthy, accurate and user-centric content above others. The peer reviewed QA process (thanks to Wikipedia) is proven to work; but Google still needs to trust the website, and Lunyr will need to build authority over time.
When certain web pages grow in popularity and trust (i.e. a page about the different types of goat breeds), they gather backlinks from other reputable websites (backlinks work as a sort of voting system), and they will start climbing in the Google rankings - ultimately bringing in more traffic, more ad clicks and more LUN tokens for content contributors. It's an interesting idea and like I said, may take time due to the necessity to build 'search engine authority', but with a focus on the importance of search engine optimisation (SEO) they could certainly pull it off.