For some reason a (very) high proportion of my rigs lock-ups (where it freezes up and doesn't reboot/restart) are occurring at the start of rentals, usually a short while into it. Does anyone have any idea why? At first I thought it a fluke, but it's happening enough, and across multiple algorithms, to make me think there is something in the connection with MRR that is causing the problem. For example on Neoscrypt I ran for almost a week just now without any lock-up, only to have it die a few minutes into a rental this evening. I don't have any clues on my end. Any insight/advice/ideas would be appreciated.
Did you set up backup stratums?, looks like EU stratums are having problems... from my experience, EU stratums are going offline very often (back and forth between EU and USA stratums)
It's happening on rentals so I have no control over what pools the renter chooses. It would be nice if the rig defaulted back to our pools if a renter's pool dropped out for any reason. But I don't see why a dropped pool should lock up the miner. In my case it would lead to a 0-accepts condition which would force a reboot after 6 minutes, but then it would start trying to miner again, rebooting every six minutes. I don't think that is happening.
I'm using a multi-algorithm setup with active pools listed on at least three algorithms at MRR typically, with another backup pool that does not go through MRR if MRR dies entirely.
First of all excuse me for my bad english.
I'm not talking about renter pools, I'm talking about the MRR stratums your miner connects to when rental starts. Let me try to explain...
I'm located in EU, so my first option in miner configuration file is the European stratum (
If you don't set up a backup stratum and MMR's EU stratum goes down you are in trouble, so I always set up a second MMR stratum pointing to US servers (
Please look at my CGMiner configuration file:
"pools" : [
"name" : "MRR -NEOScrypt- EU",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://",
"user" : "user_name",
"pass" : "x",
"Algorithm" : "neoscrypt"
"name" : "MRR -NEOScrypt- USA",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://",
"user" : "user_name",
"pass" : "x",
"Algorithm" : "neoscrypt"
"name" : "MRR -X15- EU",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://",
"user" : "user_name",
"pass" : "x",
"Algorithm" : "bitblock"
"name" : "MRR -X15- USA",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://",
"user" : "user_name",
"pass" : "x",
"Algorithm" : "bitblock"
As you can see, there are two MRR stratums (EU and US east) for each algorithm. When EU MRR stratum goes down (quite often), miner switches automatically to US stratum.
Hope it helps!