Any idea's why my wallet is only minting very small amounts? I never transferred small amounts to the wallet.
It's minting 70/100 at a time. Previously this was between 600 and 15000.
It starting doing this with wallet and i just updated to
Check wallet and repair wallet say everything is good.
everytime your wallet mints, it splits into more parts... turn on coin control, and go to send coins and see how many transactions you have
It only splits it if you MINT within 20 days of your coins being mature. If you MINT after 20 days of them being mature, it won't split it anymore.
So for example, day 1, you deposit 1,000,000 coins to an address. On day 20, you will probably mint and it will split it into two transactions. Day 40, all the transactions will start trying to mint again; if they do mint before day 60, then they will be all split again. but let's say for the sake of argument, that it takes until day 63 to mint, then it will not be split further.
The whole point of the feature is to smooth out the difficulty over time, and create network stability, and help ensure there are always enough minting attempts going on, that blocks will always be found every 30 seconds. ...Like if all mintcoins were placed in 1 transaction, then no blocks could be found for 20 days until the coins matured...that would be a problem. So the splitting feature is good because it helps protect against that sort of thing happening by accident.