Amazed, really amazed by the "minds at work" here... This turd is, always was, a copy cat hack job that Dumb and Dumberer thought he would be able to, just on his name's association, make successful. It was also the little thingy, side show if you will, that would make him a bit different and, maybe, grant some more appearances on CNBC. It had never anything of value, on any way, other than his name -which quickly, in crypto, became shit-value-. There's no "master plab"; there's no "conspiracy of the powerful"; this is just a spiteful side joke with no chance whatsoever of success. None w h a t s o e v e r. Who, besides Dumb and Dumberer, ever thought that having POS, which about 300 other turds already have had for years, would mean anything at all? What else has Dumb or Dumberer available that they can bring to this project? It isn't that either don't want to communicate and ra-ra... it is that it's long past due all those things: They have absolutely nothing to bring to the table, alright? So, instead of posting here the usual, absurd "we are working behind the surface", which everyone knows what it means, they get all wrapped up on their undies and "leave" for "nicer" forums, where people is still either oblivioous or somewhat receptive to their BS.
It is THAT simple.
But, by all means, keep working your "amazing" minds....
Its amazing that in every thread you appear you do nothing but bashing coins, repeating the same stuff hundreds of time. Sometimes bashing rightfully, sometimes not. The only exception to that I could find is one of the biggest scams crypto ever produced, Paycoin. Well done.