You could sell NAUT to Wall Street as a way to invest in other cryptos indirectly. You buy on their behalf via NAUT, the NSF eats the risk, you pay out via NAUT on demand and any fees go back into the NSF.
I am trying to understand your idea: Are you suggesting NAUT become a 'hedge' fund of crypto coins? If you buy NAUT you are buying a basket of coins?
As toxic as this idea might sound to many here, I am absolutely suggesting this.
Think about it this way.
You buy NAUT on an exchange. That's "bronze" level. It goes into your wallet. That's for us, traditional Bitcoin enthusiasts, people who spend a small amount of money experimenting with crypto because it's fun, and occasionally there's a payout to our speculation. Mostly we have Bitcoin. We like tech, new algos and strong personalities. We mostly don't have any economic experience.
But you could also offer a "silver" or "gold" level where you don't buy NAUT on an exchange, but via a card or document. Something to hold that anyone can understand. The user still keeps the private keys (this is vital) to the wallet, but additionally you may offer a "sliding scale" service where a viable % is also paid to purchase a basket of coins on behalf of invesotrs. The user doesn't get those coins in a wallet, only the NAUT, but they can convert those back into NAUT. This for risk adverse investors who want to put a large amount of money down and not worry about the details. People with economic experience who have many other assets to think about. Imagine how profitable it would have been to have this in Febuary, before Darkcoin and before Black! Then you can start tempting the "bronze" level in with merchant deals or bonuses...
The mistake with DIRAC was currency pairing, which is nothing but the same mistake as having a peg and actually a step backwards from your "reserve currency" idea. But NAUT's strength so far is that it is a coin that learns from its mistakes. Very quickly. You already bought some DIRAC, why not a "basket" fund for your investors, too? Why stop at one pair? Who says we even need exchanges?