With the ANON release as planned we are also in discussion of more things lined up for you all and ease the usage of NAV throughout , there will be times where you could just buy off NAV with USD. Patience Navajos! Anyway I just came out to say that we are optimizing the UI to smoothen the ANON experience and regards to the tested ANON transactions , its always nice to see you are anonymous even while testing.
~SoopY~ Thank you ~Soopy~ for the continued optimization efforts by the NavajoCoin Development Team on the eagerly awaited Navajo Anon Beta Wallet. Its great to hear the planned release is on schedule as promised for January 2015. I fully support the discussion regarding USD to NAV conversion. I think this idea should not be under estimated. This decision would allow NavajoCoin to be traded in a brand new way for a Crypto currency allowing fiat transfer in a secured , double encrypted and private manner. This could become the backbone and link pin to many Financial Institutions , BTC Blockchain Ledger , Overseas money transfer , NYSE , Currency Trading , etc etc .This would be a master stroke decision and bring the unknown NavajoCoin to the limelight of media around the world.This decision coupled with a state of the art encryption protocol like no other will secure NavajoCoin as a top player in the Crypto Currency Market. With the BTC Blockchain improvement announcements of late and the United States Federal Reserve giving value to the Blockchain Ledger. There is a very bright future ahead for all involved in the development of Crypto Currency's. Great to see the NavajoCoin Development Team continuing to strive for excellence.
NAV/BTC NavajoCoinPrice comparisonDue to the unique protocol being utilized in Navajo Anon. Price comparisons will no longer be made.
http://www.cryptobang.com/2014/07/14/navajo-coin/ Quote Start As soon as more people have an understanding of the technology utilized through Navajo Double Encryption, the popularity of the protocol will explode. Quote End Hi everyone. With this forum finally back online, I can give you a status update on our internal testing / refinement phase.
Stage 1 - Completed Navajo Anon Beta master nodes are stable and staking/confirming blocks.
Navajo Subchain nodes are stable and staking/confirming blocks.
The anonymous transaction script is consistently working.
Currently, coin's sent to the entry node have their transaction information passed through the subchain and out the exit node as per the white paper.
This is working in real time and has been operating flawlessly.
Stage 2 - Completed Multiple entry and exit nodes have been set up.
Architecture for a multinode system has been established and peer reviewed.
Architecture for obfuscation of transaction amount has been established and peer reviewed.
Stage 3 - In Progress The multinode system is currently being implemented.
Obfuscation of the transaction amount is currently being implemented.
Stage 4 - Pending Add an encryption layer on top of all node & wallet communications.
Stage 5 - Pending Release to the public for mass testing of load / performance on the anon network.
I am happy with how the multinode approach and the obfuscation methods are shaping up. I should have these finished off in the next couple of days.
We are well on track to having the beta network launched at the end of this month as planned.
I hope you can all bear with us over this busy period while we're pulling these last few things into place.
Cheers & Happy Trading.