In recent weeks was only 17 seconds, far too low compared to the 30 that should be the specifications,
now we got to about 26, more reasonable and appropriate to the initial project.
Which means that effective interest rate was almost double those last weeks
Now it is about normal
From my point of view : Yes and no.
No :
The interest remain constant, because the calculation keep in consideration the coin group age. So more are the stake, less is the age, and the coins.
Yes :
Having more stake block, this can rise a little the effect of compound interest.
This poked my curiosity about something I have been thinking about recently. Firstly, can we have the POS details updated in the OP please, I keep forgetting what they are :-)
My understanding is that the max coin age is 1 day (not sure if its based on real time or based on number of network blocks). I assume blocks, so interest earned should not be affected by the change in average block time, It would just take a bit longer in real world time before we get it.
However, if the max coin age is only 1 day (or 2880 blocks); I would think that our actual overall interest rate is much less than the 5%. In order to get the full 5% annual interest, none of our coins can age beyond 1 day. I haven't done the exact math, but it looks like I have roughly 1/6 or less of my coins that are under 2880 confirmations (my wallet has been open for days). This would lead me to believe the real world interest at the end of the day is actually less than 1% ??
I could be talking out my ass here, but this is how I am understanding it.
I realize the importance and the reason we significantly reduced the max coin age, but if what I said above is true, would it be a good idea to increase the max coin age so that's its practical to get the full yearly interest ?