Arrrggg, I'd agree with the statement that they all trend to 100% anyway, there's no such thing as a streak except in our minds - past luck doesn't mean you'll be unlucky in future, nor that you'll continue to be lucky - each event is independent, but over time the tendency to converge to the mean is still there. The reason? Whenever a pool gets lucky, His Noodly Appendage is there touching another pool to spread the luck around.
Yeah... Its all perception, but that's all we've got excepting gifts from his Noodly Appendage. Moral of the story, if the pool pays out, over time it shouldn't make much difference. Another moral, running pools is not easy. I basically have 2 24x7 on call jobs now, lol.
I have a feeling that things are going to get more interesting around here... Don't give up on this coin yet, its at least 10x cooler than Coinye coin.