
Topic: [ANN] NEIRONIX - rating agency of scoring of exchanges, coins and ICO projects - page 6. (Read 35754 times)

full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 102
How much is the bonus now? Thanks


Now the bonus is 35% + low rate ETH makes the token more profitable
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 102
Neironix will make their own exchange? Why it's needed anyway?

No, We do not plan to open own exchange.
Token Sale is necessary for further development of our platform
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 102
The ICO markets needs this, for sure! By the way, can you make any estimations now about the most risk-appropriate projects? Wink
No at this moment. We are working on improving the platform, but for rapid growth we are holding the  token sale
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 102
You're planning a buy back in the future, right? What conditions are there?

 We are confident that deflation in the conditions of limited emission is the most transparent and efficient economic model ensuring the growth in value of NRX token.
For the implementation of this model, NEIRONIX smart contract envisions burning away 100% of tokens received as payment for informational and advertising services.
Also Neironix smart contract envisions forming a fund equal to 10% of the amounts accepted as payment for
subscription. At the end of each quarter, the accumulated sum will be allocated for the buyback of NRX
tokens in the open market.

WP -
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
crypto is always risky, how can you improve the situation telling everyone aboyt that?
The methodology of Neironix is open, transparent and provides access for the user to the primary database. It allows one to be confident in the quality of rating and credibility of all project parameters, which enables the investors to make substantiated decisions.
Please, use this link to get more info about Neironix rating methodology:
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
If I got it right, neironix not only will provide the users with some suggesttions for long termstrategies, but also will let them know about the possible risks?
Yes, but the quantity and completeness of information, as well as the required set of options, are determined by each individual system user and selected on the basis of their own experience, risk tolerance (risk appetite), financial capacity, workload, expediency and potential benefit. The distribution of informational and analytical data is performed in compliance with the chosen tariff of subscription fee.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
Hi! The beta is working, great. When the full version release?
Hello! We plan in 2019
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
How much is the bonus now? Thanks
Bonus program of Token Sale:
From September 1 to 30 – 35% (now)

From October 1 to 30 – 15%
From November 1 to 30 – 5%
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
How much is the bonus now? Thanks
Now we have 9 developers in the team
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
I'd like to point out that the team is great. Really, it's not just the video showing them, it's also the community management. I llike what they are doing and how.
Thank you! Smiley
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
The ICO markets needs this, for sure! By the way, can you make any estimations now about the most risk-appropriate projects? Wink
Hello! We do not yet issue ratings to projects, but you can see the listing on our website
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
The data analysis is run on your own servers or it's a distributed calculations system?
Hi! On our own servers.
Neironix system performs continuous data analysis and forwards the data to project stakeholders, which enables the latter to make carefully weighted decisions.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
You're planning a buy back in the future, right? What conditions are there?
Hello! Yes, we will buy back tokens. Neironix smart contract envisions forming a fund equal to 10% of the amounts accepted as payment for subscription. At the end of each quarter, the accumulated sum will be allocated for the buyback of NRX tokens in the open market.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
Wow, you've already raised half a mil $$ Keep it up, guys!
Yes! Cool thanks for the support.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
Do u plan another airdrop soon? Missed the chance
Hello! Unfortunately no.
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
crypto is always risky, how can you improve the situation telling everyone aboyt that?
Activity: 175
Merit: 0
If I got it right, neironix not only will provide the users with some suggesttions for long termstrategies, but also will let them know about the possible risks?
Activity: 149
Merit: 0
Hi! The beta is working, great. When the full version release?
Activity: 189
Merit: 10
How many devs you have in the team?
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