It pays out monthly. So at the end of the month Robert will ask me for the OCTO we need to distribute that month.
You can see the stats on the foldingcoin stats page for OCTO: down to payouts and statistics. i'm not sure what date he will pay out for March but I know we payout by the month. it's easier and cheaper. in the future we could switch to weekly, but we will need help in order to do that. we'll work that out down the line when i'm more stable here in florida. i think that may be soon. i had a really good graphic design interview today and if i get this job i'll be stable by the end of the month and i'll have some more time for planning. if we can get a person to take over distributing once a week so i don't have to do it, then it can happen. the problem is, to protect ourselves we would need to use multi-sig wallets so that whomever besides me is in charge cannot just take off with the OCTO to be distributed. I know counterparty has multi-sig but it's early stages and Robert warned we may want to wait. any volunteers who want to forma team of 3 to control the wallet and sign off on distribution, begin talking and planning now. but it may be a bit before it's implemented. we would like to go weekly in the future, especially whenever we are listed on exchanges so that folders won't miss out on the fluctuations of the market. we don't want folders to miss a good price to sell at or others to miss a good price to buy in at, at the exchanges.
please feel free to offer ideas on how we can make this happen. at this point with the move, job hunt, and all the OCTO stuff I am doing I just cannot commit to a once weekly distribution. at the same time, it's super risky to just send that many coins to someone to handle it. i think everyone here realizes the risk of someone having control of all the undistributed OCTO, including myself holding it. it's a lot of power and while i can promise and commit to you all day that i'm honest and won't screw you over, we have tools in place where that kind of trust is not needed
we will utilize them when the time is right. the sooner the better because more eyes that get to OCTO, people will question my control of all the undistributed OCTO. i could screw everyone over right now, do i deserve to have all that power? does anyone? i don't think so. the sooner we can control OCTO will mult-sig the better. also, having another party besides OCTO may be beneficial at least for the amount committed to merged folding. if you have a 3 person team who sign off 2/3, then we could have a non 3rd party like Robert or one of his devs so that only 1/2 OCTO people have to be available per week to sign off and send for distribution. that way 2 people can rotate and not be responsible every single week. in the future as multi sig grows. we can add more people so that a team can rotate like 1/7 weeks or something a lot easier. and of course these guys who take on this task will earn some OCTO for participating in the community.