Fee is 1% for discounts of 10% or less, then it scales exponentially using this equation: FEE = exp((x - 10)/15), x being the requested discount.
Is the fee only shown in an obscured part of this blog post? https://purse.io/blog/post/101598347574/the-purse-discount
Looks good - this is the maximum resolution, really:
Perhaps, you wanted to show some example numbers as well?
Anyways, you have written here FEE = exp((x - 10)/15), on the small picture, the numbers are 0.1 and 0.15; I understand it is because one is in % and the other is not, but perhaps could you give a full rundown on this, so at least I can put the thing into Excel and see it for myself. The numbers just do not add up - yet.
It seems also, that you are looking for clients who are also mathematicians - it is not difficult maths, sure; just sayin' that for some of your target market it might be. Or, you don't consider those folks as your target market.
Edit: I just see the equation on the picture is a power (number), on your text above it is not. Still, need this to work with in Excel.
Hey mrkent,
Would you care to address this? Thanks