1. I'm ok with 50M
2. Salsacz was chosen for Nxt. I think if he's good for Nxt then he or someone like him is good for Qora. But we'll vote on this matter I guess.
3. Lots of people will pledge. Let's keep it as simple as possible atm. If we get huge fund we'll need someone trusted to hold it. Don't want to overcomplicate everything right from the start.
4. I think 5-7 people could make a decision without a voting system.
5. Too complicated. Not necessary by now.
All we need is 5 people committee, 1 person head of it and a small fund to begin with (already have it).
Okay, I'm in. So anyone with over 50M is eligible to join the committee.
Do we need a mandatory amount for donation/pledge?
Also, do you agree with this guideline:
1. Start a committee application process, only investors who have met certain criteria (threshold) are eligible to apply and join. Publish the names of committee members in a spreadsheet. Before that happens, we need to set up guidelines for the eligibility of committee members and decide rules for votes allocation.
2. Set up a secure voting system and allocate votes to committee members.3. Gather all the resources in one place (IRC chatroom, forum/message board, mailing system). So the members will be able to hold meetings/gathering, and important issues can be discussed and put to a vote.
4. Elect officials to the committee.
5. Assign people to various positions - community organizer, treasurer, marketing director.. etc
6. Regular meeting will be held so marketing agenda can be discussed, and a roadmap will be formulated.
I think we're currently at step 1. We need to gather a list of member candidates and amount pledged.