I am. Just download the zip file, extract it and navigate to the contataining folder from the terminal.
Just enter "./run.sh" and hit Enter.
Note, I haven't been able to get the debug window to work. It opens, but every command I enter returns back an invalid command response. This is the only bug that I know of that isn't common with all clients. Like others, I still need to delete the data and reload the chain and my seed.
EDIT: Also, be sure to close the application by the menu on the program and not from the Mac menubar. This will help prevent some of the local db issues since the application can handle properly closing all file handles.
If you run it using the run.bat there should be something there that disables the api. The api had to be enabled to use commands.
Ah, I was unaware and didn't catch any referende to that. I'll look at the bat file tonight and use it as a reference to update the .sh file.