Quark Enables staking by default
https://github.com/quark-project/quark/releases/tag/v0.10.6.3To stake your coins your wallet will need to be synced and unlocked. Coins need to be at least 30 days old to stake. Note it can take a while to stake (days in some cases). The older the coins and the larger the amount the more likely it is to stake. Quark staking very nicely. All working smoothly.
confirms very fast and coins spendable in no time.
Very impressed.
Great work Quark community and devs.
Looking forward to the masternodes in 0.10.7
Staking perfectly.
I have a balance from 2014 that I got year over year reward. Excellent.
To Stake:
1. install the latest update.
https://github.com/quark-project/quark/releases/tag/v0.10.6.32. select help - debug window
3. select console tab
4. enter into console text field: setgenerate true
5. enter into console text field: walletpassphrase mywalletpassphrase 100000
^ ^ ^
(command) (your passphrase) (number of seconds for unlock)
6. press ctrl L to clear your console.
7. close debug window and watch your coins get minted if they are 30 days old or greater.
Happy staking!!!!
Item 5. is the unlocking procedure to stake and mint your coins. This is only required if your wallet is encrypted.
Video tutorial I just found to help.