Hello @everyone ,
New Update!!! - SafeCapital Core Wallet v1.0.0.5
SafeCapital Core Wallet v1.0.0.5 is a mandatory update for all users as it contains rules that will not be compatible with previous versions.
As this is a mandatory update, any wallets and masternodes that have not upgraded to v1.0.0.5 by the deadline will be disconnected from the network.
v1.0.0.5 introduces the superblock with 200 SCAP reward and change the period when the reward is modified.
Update enforcement is currently scheduled to go into effect at the following time:
Saturday, February 8, 2020 17:00:00 PM GMT
Masternodes will need to be restarted once both the masternode daemon and the controller wallet have been upgraded.
Update link: https://github.com/SafeCapital/scap-coin/releases/latest
Everyone who owns SCAP must upgrade his wallet
As i told earlier.This team rocks and they will develop the projects to the highest standards.
Me, personally i put all my trust in it, because i know it will be state of the art
This team rocks, and who will have patience will win...
Don't read all the FUD... just read all about this project... read about it's unique idea... read about security
I recommend to everybody to read the white paper, and in the same time to follow what they promised and what they realized.
you will see that this project is gonna be what the dev team announced during time.
We have to understand that they have to be supported by a strong and involved community