
Topic: [Ann] Safecoin maidsafecoin - page 8. (Read 76678 times)

hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
April 26, 2014, 02:27:59 AM
Could someone explain why on earth somebody sells that low? Doesnt seem logical..

you have to remember that the cheap price set here : is a mastercoin exchange. the majority of users that are signed upto that are mastercoin users. what happened at the IPO? mastercoin users got a special cheap price because of the cock up that happened. So mastercoin users have bought these coins for a lower price in total, allowing them to sell them lower.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1010
he who has the gold makes the rules
April 26, 2014, 02:26:17 AM
Could someone explain why on earth somebody sells that low? Doesnt seem logical..

I accidentally added an extra 0 to my sell order yesterday... luckily it was for 10000 only and there was enough demand on the buy side I didn't get totally screwed.

I bet I am not the only one to do this....

at 0.0001 it would mean that someone values this at $2M total, under "book value" if you will, when Maidsafe has something like 3M or 4M in the bank in the BTC side, plus the extra MSC (I know it's not super liquid atm).

I was glad to see my order for 110k msafe filled at 0.000014...

edit: i mean at 0.00001 ... heh did it again but the opposite way...
Activity: 2884
Merit: 1115
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
April 26, 2014, 02:17:33 AM
Could someone explain why on earth somebody sells that low? Doesnt seem logical..

Just a bunch of speculators and people who didn't have a high level attention span selling off now
If your long AKA 1 year probably can make a killing from getting in now relative to BTC
hero member
Activity: 697
Merit: 500
April 26, 2014, 02:16:34 AM
Could someone explain why on earth somebody sells that low? Doesnt seem logical..
Activity: 2884
Merit: 1115
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
April 26, 2014, 02:13:06 AM
jesus did maidsafecoin really drop by >50%??

Meh teaches me never to buy at IPO well holding for the longest time
Activity: 79
Merit: 10
April 26, 2014, 02:03:41 AM
why so cheap now ? 0.00003000

where was I when it was so high?

0.00079999 btc   10 000 maid   1 053 273 maid
0.00089999 btc   10 000 maid   1 063 273 maid
0.00900000 btc   406 maid           1 063 679 maid
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
April 26, 2014, 01:52:26 AM
jesus did maidsafecoin really drop by >50%??

buy and sell wall so far apart, if 1 second someone buys and then straight after someone sells its dropped almost 50% in 10 seconds

at what price was maidsafecoins purchased at in the ipo? what price did ya get each coin at?

purchase price was about 0.00004348 per coin 23000 coins in total per btc

It was a fixed swap at 23800 mate, meaning the price was a fixed swap of 0.000042

yeah shit sorry forgot to add the 800 extra . was giving an approximation of price per coin from IPO. just forgot the 800 on the bloody end
sr. member
Activity: 399
Merit: 250
Cryptocurrency Evangelist
April 26, 2014, 12:35:45 AM
What does SPT stand for?
Smart Property Token

When can I start farming?
We are aiming to launch a test network in the next couple of weeks and through the course of the next couple of months will test the network fully. Our full beta launch will happen soon after and at this point you will be able to contribute your resources to the network and become a farmer. This will be a simple process and effectively will involve a simple software download although we will provide more comprehensive instructions nearer the time.

For more help please visit
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
April 25, 2014, 11:51:18 PM
A few questions:

1 - Is the MasterChest Wallet the prefered means to move maidsafecoin?

2 - In bitcoin core, they show as really small transactions, how can I stop bitcoin core including them into normal transactions? If I accidentally send the 0.000055 transaction as a normal bitcoin transaction, would that destroy the maidsafecoin?

3 - Is the best advice to move them into a different wallet that is separate from your bitcoin wallet?
1. Only way to sen right now is using omniwallet:
2. The 0.000055BTC needs to be sent as it payed the miners fees. No if you just send Bitcoins you wount destroy and maidsafecoins.
3. No it doesn't matter as long as you keep your privat key safe. However this is recommended regarding security:
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1015
April 25, 2014, 11:35:06 PM
Any idea when v0.4 of the MasterChest wallet will come out?

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1015
April 25, 2014, 11:14:09 PM
A few questions:

1 - Is the MasterChest Wallet the prefered means to move maidsafecoin?

2 - In bitcoin core, they show as really small transactions, how can I stop bitcoin core including them into normal transactions? If I accidentally send the 0.000055 transaction as a normal bitcoin transaction, would that destroy the maidsafecoin?

3 - Is the best advice to move them into a different wallet that is separate from your bitcoin wallet?
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 502
April 25, 2014, 09:06:34 PM
jesus did maidsafecoin really drop by >50%??

buy and sell wall so far apart, if 1 second someone buys and then straight after someone sells its dropped almost 50% in 10 seconds

at what price was maidsafecoins purchased at in the ipo? what price did ya get each coin at?

purchase price was about 0.00004348 per coin 23000 coins in total per btc

It was a fixed swap at 23800 mate, meaning the price was a fixed swap of 0.000042
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
April 25, 2014, 08:54:30 PM
jesus did maidsafecoin really drop by >50%??

buy and sell wall so far apart, if 1 second someone buys and then straight after someone sells its dropped almost 50% in 10 seconds

at what price was maidsafecoins purchased at in the ipo? what price did ya get each coin at?

purchase price was about 0.00004348 per coin 23000 coins in total per btc
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
April 25, 2014, 08:44:11 PM
Break-even is about 0.000046 if you take into account BTC's depreciation since IPO  Undecided
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 502
April 25, 2014, 08:36:38 PM
jesus did maidsafecoin really drop by >50%??

buy and sell wall so far apart, if 1 second someone buys and then straight after someone sells its dropped almost 50% in 10 seconds

at what price was maidsafecoins purchased at in the ipo? what price did ya get each coin at?

0.000042 buddy!
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
April 25, 2014, 07:44:13 PM
jesus did maidsafecoin really drop by >50%??

buy and sell wall so far apart, if 1 second someone buys and then straight after someone sells its dropped almost 50% in 10 seconds
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
April 25, 2014, 06:53:04 PM
The other thing I didn't get from the whitepaper is...can these nodes be setup on a basic VPS?  Or due to the high storage demands, does  this require a specialized server or expensive VPS package?

From the looks of it, yes its completely possible. Don't know if it will earn enough to cover costs of the VPS . Especially since, if its possible to VPS people will jump aboard until the amount of nodes is so high, the payout per node will be greatly reduced.

I am sure there will be things you can do to increase average earnings, assigning more hard drive space to act as a node and such. But that still doesn't help so much, if 5000 nodes are running, you will be getting much more than if 50,000 are running, no matter how large you choose your node, unless you increased your node size by 100 times

But then again each node might be a fixed amount. i don't think there is anything specific to it in the white paper
sr. member
Activity: 464
Merit: 260
April 25, 2014, 06:42:34 PM
The other thing I didn't get from the whitepaper is...can these nodes be setup on a basic VPS?  Or due to the high storage demands, does  this require a specialized server or expensive VPS package?
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
April 25, 2014, 06:36:43 PM
Is there any more information yet on farming?  Now that the coins are launched it would be nice to setup a vault / farm to earn more...

Maidsafecoin is just a temporary coin until they get the actual system deployed.

Maidsafecoin gets traded 1 to 1 with safecoin when that happens.

So there is no farming till then.

However, doesn't prevent folks from designing and selling hardware for farming!

Looks like starting prices for these farms are at $5,000 with 45 empty storage units.   Fully loaded with 4TB drives... 180 TB TOTAL storage ... will cost you $5,000 + $7380 = $12,380!

Run the numbers and see how much safecoin you can make in a year with this setup.

But also remember that the numbers given in the white paper are based off 2000 running nodes. so if there was to be 16,000 nodes, which at this point is completely possible considering the attention it has gotten and the fact any person interested in crypto mining on their computer can also run this without using any extra electricity or drain their computer. If the number is 16000 or over nodes you looking at 100 a day not 800.

just a warning, because the amount of attention and funding they received which they completely didn't expect will most likely have been applied to the whitepaper numbers as well. and considering its popularity already, i would say 20,000 nodes is a massive under estimation. and the numbers given out on the white paper are for 2000.

Well the Proof of Resource would be a equation that will include availability and amount of storage.  I don't think the number of running nodes comes into the equation.

I just heard over the radio on NPR that cloud storage solutions are increasing by 30% every year.  One of the big problems is when the cloud company is taken down by the government (see: Megaupload) or gone bankrupt.  So Safecoin actually does satisfy a real need in the space of cloud computing.


while it is quite true there is a real need for cloud computing solutions and maidsafe covers this perfectly, as well as numerous other things.

if they included in the whitepaper the number of nodes and average earnings for that many nodes averagely being on. then i think it is safe to assume that the number of running nodes does have some correlation to earnings because it has been added.

it is also safe to assume that if they calculated that averagely 2000 nodes would produce around 800 coins a day in the begining. then 4000 nodes would most likely half the average amount of potential earnings in coins
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1000
April 25, 2014, 06:33:08 PM

Maybe someone can help me.

I have my maidsafecoins on the btc blockchain. So I see them on

I have a masterxchange account, but I can´t send them directly, isn´t it?

So I tried wallet.  I added the BTC-address from which I paid the maidsafcoins with BTC.
But I cannot see the coins there. Would should I do now? Put somewhere the privatkeys in or what?

Then I tried omniwallet. If I create a view-only address, then I can see the maidsafes, but I can´t import the keys.

I have the following keys: Hash160; PrivBase58; PrivHexBE; PublicX; PublicY

Can someone help me?
In, click import/export. One of the buttons on the left (sorry cant remember, from memory) will show you your private/public keys and qr codes of all addresses. Copy the relevant private key (always starts with 5) and import into Omni.
You should have full control now. Dont forget to register your sending address with masterxchange first.
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