If SIA makes progress as the storage protocol of the Internet, expect big things from SIA. The run up it had was excessive and it has gone back to May levels just like many other coins. I am holding for the long term (2+ years).
It won't.
-needs more space
-it's slower, you can't expect people sharing their free space to have good connections to make anything even closely resembling real time or near real time applications
-it's not user friendly as standard cloud solutions
-you can't give a siacoin bill to accounting
-price fluctuations make adopting siacoin as an enterprise solution impossible
I just don't see any real use case for Sia.
This coin is just a scam for the holding company to sell miners.
You can all masturbate and try to pump it with positive posts all you want, but Siacoin is a weak coin without any use case.
I'd argue you could make much better ERC20 tokens for the same use case.
I expect it to soon go below 100 sats and I can hardly see a situation where it will go over 250-300 ever again, especially with the current Bitcoin's price.