It is a big pleasure for me to introduce you the result of my efforts during the last weeks - , a website full of charts, tables and metrics about the Sia network. Mining pools distribution, file contracts number, cost and size, average pricing of storage, transactions volume, indexes of hosts centralization… I created it for the community to have a tool for monitoring the health of Sia and for Sia-related companies or individuals that need charts to promote the use and adoption of Sia. Charts can be used without any restriction for any purpose (please just cite the source).
As you'll see, there are plenty of interesting parameters in Sia aside the market value. I encourage you checking the increase in the number of daily contracts ( or the current average pricing for storing data in Sia ( (no competence can offer these pricing).
During the next weeks I’ll keep making improvements in the design, usability (right now it is not mobile-friendly) and I’ll add more contents. Please feel free to share it around and making comments!