We need the final cloud decentralized product to ern real money, so, devs, please, do something
That is the part of the sia-tech plan that is unclear..they claim to have a network in place, by the time the ASIC's hit to
take on Amazon Cloud and such, but I see NO promotion or movement in that area at all.
Thus, without a viable network the whole works comes to a grinding halt. Without promotion or the fact the network
works and is up...if NO ONE (consumer) knows about it, even if it is 10c to $1 vs Amazon's Cloud...all will be moot.
Add a mess of ASIC's, most of which not being worth turned on, on top of the fact of the rest replacing GPU miners
that merge mine sia coin...with the next result of the rest of the ASIC's being turned off also.
Well, it all hinges on promotion and such of the decentralized cloud network...and I just don't see it arriving in time
to make any difference on the above. The loss of GPU merge miners to the ASIC's (cheerleaders for siacoin gone) then
the next result of 'the rest of' the ASIC's that were up ..trying to mine siacoin ..still can't make electric..and they are shut
off as well.
Just too damn quiet on all fronts...I think sia-tech realizes they have screwed up.
imo just buy more BTI and wait for SiaLibre to come out weeeeeee