- 1. backup your address somewhere safe
- 2. close wallet
- 3. go to the "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming" (replace C with your windows drive location, and UserName with your user or simply click your way there
- 4. in the "Roaming" folder find the Signatum folder and delete it (before that do step 1. and 2.
- 5. run your wallet (it will be empty but this will trigger the "Signatum" folder to show in the "Roming" folder
- 6. close the wallet again
- 7. in the "Signatum" folder replace the wallet.dat with your backed up wallet (just in case it has to be named "wallet.dat")
- 8. go to this web page https://github.com/signatumd/releases/blob/master/signatum.conf and copy all the "addnode=" (just them)
- 9. open Notepad (i would suggest Notepad++) copy the nodes in it and save the file in "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming"\Signatum" as "signatum.conf"
- 10. start your wallet and wait a bit
I hope this helps someone.
Oh and a note this is for "Windows" users, I'm not sure if it will work on "Linux"
So if anyone is willing to donate
I will really appreciate any coin given
The address is in the signature
Thanks, work great for me.
How to proceed for an OS Wallet?