Introducing Operation Shock & Awe
What is Operation Shock & Awe?
Operation Shock & Awe is the internal name for a social initiative spearheaded through a series of giveaways from various outlets. The aim of operation shock and awe is to do a blitz of SilkCoin and get as many people as possible to hear about SilkCoin, download our wallet, learn about our features and in the process get listed on further exchanges.
How will Operation Shock & Awe work?
Operation Shock & Awe is a 2-part initiative.
Part 1, which is currently underway and will continue all the way through to the 2nd PoW phase, will be used to spread the word around about SilkCoin and in turn get listed on MintPal. This will provide us some stability and foundation going through to the 2nd PoW phase.
Part 2, which will collerate with the start of the 2nd Pow phase, will be a full on social media blitz to get as many people as possible to hear about SilkCoin. We already have some big crypto names in social media lined up ready for part 2. The names of these social media accounts will be anounced at the start of part 2.
Who are the current participants on Part 1?
All Crypto All Day
Between the 2 above Twitter accounts, they have a following of over 36 000 people. SilkCoin will be tweeted about daily to each of these 36 000 followers.
CryptoSandwich is in charge of our MintPal voting campaign that can be found here :,858.0.html
Each voter will receive 15 SC per vote. There are additional prizes which include a 15 000 SC grand prize to the person who votes the most along with 2 500 SC prizes each for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place voters
What can I do to help?
1. Vote for us on MintPal and post here :,858.0.html to claim your 15 SC rewards
2. Retweet this : with the handle #silkcoin
3. Retweet all #silkcoin tweets from All Crypto All Day
4. Tweet what you like most about Silkcoin with the handle #silkcoin
*This is the first of many announcements to come. is down from many hours, any infos ?