We are 5 devs working on the code, at launch one of them looked the part of the address but since he's not used to Base58 encoding he checked
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Base58Check_encoding and thought 25 would be S.
Remember we are multiple devs working on the code.So nobody checked the code or bothered to run it on a testnet before launch? Whilst it is feasible that a simple error resulted in the wrong address format, the fact that none of you checked it or tested it leads me to highlight that 'simple error' as being potentially indicating a much larger problem, one that absolutely would affect your ability as a team to fulfil the ambitious aims you state.
Regarding your coment cryptodevil, how can you say the first letter of the public key is the engine
Engine? I didn't intend to imply it was the engine, my use of describing the 'Ferrari with the Fiat 500 engine' is one of demonstrating how, while your front-end might look pretty and sway many a new user to it, something as simple as the basic principal elements of it's structure being equally as polished and complete, would be high on the list of things to ensure for any new coin project.
We discovered it pretty soon, but what implication does this have?
You are proposing that those who are buying into your coin put their trust in you and your team to be able to actually create that which you promise. To miss this basic element right at the start of the project does not exactly paint your team as being up to the task.
seeing it's becoming impossible to have a civilized discussion/debate here because of the FUD & co we feel this our only option.
I don't personally think that would do your cause any good. You are facing a problem with forum members who were exposed as extortionists, which was dealt with, but you are also facing a problem with forum members who appear to be ignorant fanboys seeking to demonstrate that they can and will drown out reasonable discussion that they are uncomfortable with.
You would be better to focus on showing you can expose that which is FUD and, more importantly, that you are still willing and able to engage with people, like myself, who simply seek to clarify issues that honestly do present concerns with regards to how this project has and will be progressed.