Honestly sorry for not being here recently. Started a new job, moved into a new city, very busy.
I had always had the plan to spend more time on SOIL again, once I am more settled in. Now.
I'd like to hear your opinion:
(GOODBYE) If the community feels investing more time into SOIL is futile, then let's bury it. I destroy my nodes, and perhaps deploy my existing smart contract (see below) on a different chain.
(CONTINUE) If however you think or feel that this beautiful attempt at an ecology oriented chain should survive indeed, then why not read further back in this thread? YOU can put some time into playing with and learning about smart contracts, and use simple Linux server admin commands to get your own cheap server up, etc.. And if not that, then come on board anyways, and show yourself, and say what you are good at, and how you want to help SOIL. And then start doing that. One good thing of this new tech is that you need not ask anyone for permission; if you have an idea, and some time - you just do it.
What I am contributing at the moment:
TESTNET v1.4.1I am paying to have 2 cheap servers running testnet soil
with the new Homestead SOIL code that martymcfly2015 has contributed (
his announcement,
my tutorials for it). One is just running and holding most of the genesis block testnetcoins, the other one is mining testnetcoins.
I have just checked them now:
gsoiltestnet attach
instance: Gsoil_MMF_TN/v1.4.1-430cc246/linux/go1.6.3
datadir: /home/soil/.soiltnet
coinbase: 0x483df4c1f8f3246ccd7d8314f1864666fb336e08
at block: 360773 (Thu, 19 Jan 2017 15:46:37 UTC)
> eth.mining
gsoiltestnet attach
instance: Gsoil_MMF_TN/v1.4.1-430cc246/linux/go1.6.3
datadir: /home/soil/.soiltnet
coinbase: 0xf385fd6addfd1fa039c1bc6e698998bb60a8fb5f
at block: 360780 (Thu, 19 Jan 2017 15:48:36 UTC)
> web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance("0xf385fd6addfd1fa039c1bc6e698998bb60a8fb5f"),"SOIL")
> eth.mining
So: the new code has been running happily on testnet since autumn. A good sign.
What could be done next is mentioned here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.16855673 - anyone?
MAINNET v1.3.3 / 1.4.0(Remind me please, what was the difference between 1.3.3 and 1.4.0 ? Thanks.)
weathercontract and oracleMy oracle server is happily running -
http://weathercontract.hopto.org/oracle/To interact with the smart contract "weathercontract" is really not difficult, I have written good tutorials. See
this post as a starting point. Just try it out now. You will appreciate what you are learning on the way, believe me.
The oracle needs a running node to listen to the events and send transactions - so as a side effect, I am also running a permanent mainnet node there (on a third paid VPS server):
ps -eo pid,cmd,lstart | grep soil
510 /home/soil/SOIL/go-ethereum Fri Jul 15 18:37:17 2016
gsoil attach
instance: Gsoil/v1.3.3-b62bb712/linux/go1.5.3
datadir: /home/soil/.soil
at block: 1760431 (Thu, 19 Jan 2017 12:26:09 EST)
> eth.blockNumber
> net.peerCount
So that mainnet node has been running continuously for 6 months, since 2016 July 15th.
I have rebooted the whole droplet now, and started the eventlogloop of the oracle, and tested it.
It is working fine!
Back to the top: IF you answer the initial question with (CONTINUE), then keep on reading:
Just to clarify, I just cannot be THE dev. However,
I would cooperate with other people who are good at what they like to do, and who dedicate some spare time to this. The sadly cheap price has a happy aspect: New people can come in now. A great opportunity for all of us - so if we really get this off the ground together, there is a nonzero chance that everyone who puts only a bit of money in it now, AND at the same time starts working towards reviving this thread, coin, and community, might get profit out of it, and is then also able to
share some of that profit. But this is not an investment advice, do your own thinking. The current situation could easily mean that you will loose 100% of your investment.
One wish: I ask you to consider one thing, if you start playing in the waves of the high volatility now: Please put some of your profits aside, to be able to later help this coin. Either SOIL or even BTC. We need angels who want to profit AND want to share - for giveaways, donations, paying for servers, development work, etc.. One such suggestion already:
Abvhiael - what could we do for you? What would allow you to get you back on board?
If more people join in, I am willing to donate some SOIL and some BTC into a fund - which pays Abvhiael money to continue with his previously superb work.
So - what does everybody think? Really curious about the answers now ...