Here is the summary, which led to this rating:
We assign the “Stable+“ rating to the SONM project. We assign the “better than the market” rating to the SNM tokens and recommend investors who are loyal to risks defined herein to BUY the SNM tokens within the ICO. It is necessary to diversify purchasing the SNM tokens with investments in tokens of similar competing projects.
We have analyzed the whole aggregate of the project risks. The team has problems with the timeliness of launching services and publishing documents. We also note that the team did not manage to prove the volume of the work at the project that has already been performed. There is a probability that it has been developed relatively recently. Moreover, not all tasks t at were promised publically and in the Roadmap have yet been fulfilled in time.
However, these issues are compensated by a number of factors that cause optimism as for the future project:
The project promises really promising technological solutions,
The market that SONM potentially enters has considerable potential,
The SONM business model guarantees the maximum motivation and the team’s and developers’ involvement in implementing the project,
The project does not set goals that are knowingly difficult to achieve – the future share of the market is conservatively estimated at the level of 2.5%,
SONM has all chances to win the price competition over the largest players due to the market price formation of computing capacities,
The financial model of the project has been worked out, economic risks are minimum subject to full placement at the ICO, and
The team and advisors are qualified and have experience of implementing large projects.
The investment attractiveness of the SNM token is based on the following factors:
Potential of the market growth,
Allocation of 100% commission charges among tokens holders in the form of dividends,
The program of tokens buyback from the market as a factor of supporting the capitalization until the project achieves the target capacities.
We think that the buyback program will considerably increase the certainty that after the ICO the SONM tokens will not undergo serious price drawdown. Taking into account the statistics of initial placements, the probability of speculative growth of the token price after the ICO is high, which allows us to recommend them for buying.