Noob question here, if use bitcrystal box to send bcy for protonexium, the protonexium are deposed in the bitcrystal box... what i meant is.. is the bitcrystal box a good wallet for the protonexium ? where will they be showing when i got them... someone with bcybox can help me see clear before i buy thanks
Just put your i think 12 words mnemonic seed here and you will be in counterparty basic vallet.
I am not familiar to much with bicrystal box wallet. but i am 99% sure you will be able to see there protonexium, same as you see all asset that EDS issued ( BCY and cards). In any case you will need to see it only after the ICO finished.
Your bitcrystall box wallet will hold your protonexium even if it will not be showing them. But as i said i doubt this.
So just send your BCY from your bitcrystal box wallet and you will get right amount of protonexium. When ICO gets finished, check what to do next. And if bitcrystal box will nto show protonexium just log to with your bitcrystal box mnemonic seed and folow whatewer will be procedure then for protonexium. You will get appropriate backer rank.