there was some program to become Premium member, not Partner, about a month ago, by buying coal and, ... not sure if it will be run again.
Ah, got it, thanks!
That is kind of sad.
Also, one question: Is there a fixed limit of different cards ever being able created? Or can the developers technically for example publish 1 new card every week for the next 10 years?
I think from the value perception of the cards, it would be nice if there was a limit upon how many different cards ever will be in existence.
The value is on how many users will be addicted by the game. 1-2 new card(s) a week is a very low creation rate even for the next 10 years. Think about Magic or Yu-Ghi-Oh.
I agree, but if there is no technical limit on card creation it is also possible to pump out 10, 100 or 1000 different cards per day (even though this might not be the intention of the developers).
If there is not a certain rule of how often new cards are being added to the game, it becomes to some extent difficult to estimate the future value of current cards.