SP 10
A lot of noise?
Suitable for a small apartment??
Not really. You might want to find another place to host it.
This was my DIY soundproofing / AC cold air containment project.
The AC is rated for a large room. Now its cooling about 10 sq feet.
Set at 25 degrees I can keep the front air intake at 24 degree.
Bottom SP10 about 26 since it picks up some of the heat from above.
AC adds very little power useage luckily since it runs VERY efficient for
such a small space but WOW, those things PUMP out hot air if you stand
behind them.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26417929/Video%20May%2020%2C%207%2003%2040%20AM.movI just found some cheap rack hosting in the US through a friend of a friend.
I did this for the time being.
1 inch foam around the 7 foot rack from floor to ceiling.
It has a 220V AC BLASTING into the little self contained closet.
NO ventalation because if I open the balcony you can hear it 2 blocks
Ive got it down to under 25db now I think.
Maybe hang a blanket down from the ceiling too would drop it even
lower but I can sleep in the room. I did start using one earplug though to sleep