Will there be some kind of bonus for the guys who bought the first sp10/sp30 bundle? They payed around 9000$ per sp30 and those are now only 4500$.
These are your most loyal customers, who trusted you from the start and put their money where their mouth was.
Essentially they payed double the amount for only 2 weeks earlier delivery....
I'm sure Spondoolies would have given you similar discount if you bought 250 SP30's, or organized a group buy and sold 250 minimum.
you still have time to buy more by joining in current group buy sale before it closes in 3 hours.
This would be true if all units went to one customer.
However spondoolies has to manage shipping and payment on a per-customer basis.
I don´t demand anything, i would just like to hear from spondoolies regarding the topic.
These are the most loyal customers who bought their sp30 at~9000$ as part of a bundle.
Early adopters should be rewarded and not punished for making an order.
This is why i ask wether there will be any kind of bonus for these most loyal customers, who trusted spondoolies when they hadn´t shipped anything yet.
There wasn´t even the 10% off chance etc. at the beginning.
While i value the input from every community member regarding this topic, i actually just want a short statement from spondoolies.
I only posted it on the forums because i think many early adopters are wondering the same thing, and i value spondoolies as a company with great integrety.
I know of one community member who bought more than 10 of these bundles, and if i were him, this would be one of the most urgent questions for spondoolies, as without any offer, he would have overpayed by more than 45000$ on a bulk order, while every single customer buying just one unit only has to pay half the price now.
Actually you guys had it backward, early adopters always paid more, because they have the privilege and distinction of receiving something new before everybody else ($5,000 Gold iPhone 5S). So I am not sure why you guys would believe bitcoin miners behave any differently now that mining is becoming more mature and competitive (as opposed to the day when Avalon first arrived).
You paid more because it is the latest and greatest (for now), it will mine more coins, development/manufacturer cost need to be paid for. And quite frankly, they are charging as much as their competitors and people are willing to pay at that time. And guess what, if you think the price they charge is high, you can wait for the better deal. Let some other suckers overpay or maybe there is none so the manufacturer will be forced to lower their prices, so you win in either case.
In the end, it doesn't really matter, with all of the new miners coming online. KnC building as much Neptune for self-mining. ASICMiner selling 100's of PH of chips. Spondoolies-Tech will have no choice but to self-mine as margin is cutting to razor-thin level in a matter of months. None of the current pre-orders will be closed to ROI. There will be much better deals to be had by the end of the year if you are patient.