11p per kwh
which is cheap for the region, but yes, more expensive than most other parts of the world - we are currently going through what the
That does translate to 0,15$ roughly.
I know the fuzzy feeling you get when holding your gear in hand, but i will be opting for the long-term hosting solution provided in cooperation with Spondoolies, as i will then be sure the DCs are able to handle the
requirements, and 290$ for a sp30 does seam very reasonable.
If i put it in a DC where i live, i would have to pay around double that, and pay 20% VAT.
ALL the reactors. They are like sheep here sometimes I swear.
I am risking to sound political here, but Japan is in a high risk area for Tsunamis (i dont quite know how high the risk for earthquakes is), and every Nuclear powerplant is at the shore for cooling needs.
That simply doesn´t strike me as a too smart move, frankly.
Cancer rates specifically for thyroid cancer will be at an all-time high in the next years (this typically takes ~4yrs as studies from Tschernobil have shown), and this is a really "nasty" cancer with low survivability.
Dont get me wrong, i accept Nuclear power can be harnessed with very low risks e.g. in areas of the united states with low risks for environmental disasters and abundant space to store the waste.
In my country, electricity rates are ~0,35$, lower for high energy businesses.
I feel your pain but i wouldn´t want to have cheap power at every cost.