I had pre-orders with KNC, Terrahash, and BFL, and not one of them worked out the way I wanted. Ask folks who had pre-orders with Hashfast, Cointerra, Bitmine, or BlackArrow how well they did. The list of pre-order failures far outweighs the list of pre-order successes. At least I was lucky enough to get a refund, but others were not so lucky.
In fact, I think the only pre-order buyers that actually did OK were early Avalon and Knc customers.
But I'm sure it's different this time.
Also, all the RoadStress cheerleading for Spoondoolies reminds me a lot of what Bitcoinorama did for KNC last year.
Bitcoinorama was right when he was cheerleading for Knc. He was only cheerleading for Jupiters and i tipped him 2 BTCs for his effort. I don't know what went wrong with your Jupiters, but for me the Jupiters were a fine product (the best at that time) even if i had a small problem with a blown up capacitor (was replaced in 3 working days by KnC). Since December/January KnC shifted from their customers to their own greed by building the massive DC even if they promised that they WON'T mine with more than 5% of what they sold. I don't think we saw Bitcoinorama support KnC since Nov/December last year.
As for
being sure this time I shared my view here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.6278746 and you don't have to take my word. Feel free to judge by their launched product, by their team and lastly by their VCs who funded them. THEY won't allow SP-Tech to screw things over like every other company. I don't think it's how VCs firm work or not these one at least. Judge by the known facts and ignore what I think. For example do you really believe that Adam back would join a lying, shady company who wants to screw their customers? I don't.
Don't compare the other companies who were run by either engineers(KnC) or by business-men scammers (BFL, HashFail, etc) and don't blame the fact that you always rushed to get miners with blind faith and without proper research on other companies. I am proud of my past choices until now regarding miners (burnin's Avalon boards, Jupiters and SP10) and i wasn't burned until now, except by Avalon delaying chips. It seems that I'm better than you at making choices regarding miners, but yet you are the one questioning me right now. In 2 and half months i will prove myself and to the rest of the forum that i was right one more time.
Edit: Almost 2 days left for my GB. Last chance for this price!
Firstly I don't agree that raskul and roadstress are shilling, I think they are pretty open about and enthusiastic about the products, maybe a bit spammy on some threads but nothing too OTT.
Secondly, its 3+ months till August.
Thirdly, with regards to Spondoolies hardware, I think its a mixed bag. Yes the chips are efficient, reasonably priced and with the SP10 pretty much readily available, and yes the group buy gets you the promise of a lot of TH for pretty much half of what it would cost you from anyone else or even from themselves on their web site..
But, and I won't go into it in detail here, their kit is heavily designed for the massive datacenter deployment which isn't to everyones tastes, and its still a risky pre-order no matter what assurances anyone gives you. They are verbal assurances and will be worth zero if it all goes to hell in a handbasket ala Hashfast, Bitmaine and Blackarrow with delays at best and cancellations at worst.
I truly hope it doesn't, and I sort of get how people are likening it to KnC a bit with a great initial launch of product, followed up with the promise of something awesome, I hope it works out for everyone, but I also reckon that you would have to be a bit naive to think that the SP30 will be out there on its own with no competition at the price point or even efficiency level. You think the Chinese are going to stop? You think that Innosilicon, the Avalon people, AM etc are just going to give up? I think theres even a reasonable probablility that KnC will have Neptune out there before then even though some may scoff.
I have no axe to grind, I'm hardware agnostic, I'm a bit like Roadstress in that I had good luck with purchase decisions for myself and my clients & friends, going from GPU's to USB miners to BFL Singles to KnC (twice), Bitmain S1's, Dragons and Bitmain S2, so haven't be burned, yet. I even have a 0 day low order number Neptune still, I'm holding on to it until KnC are late, and to me they won't be late till June. I still mine scrypt on GPU's, in fact they pay the electricity for themselves and on my ASICS.
I'm in a consolidation mode at the moment, I'm just about to dump this months mined coins into the cold wallet and then will look at where next to buy. It might be SP10's it might be something else, the one thing you can count on in this game is that there is always a deal to be had somewhere
I predict the next round of miners coming out of China will be significantly cheaper than the last round. I know that already the 820GH Avalon machine is down to 1900$ delivered, so am expecting the A1 boxes to drop accordingly and for newer 1.2/1.6/2 TH machines to be out sooner rather than later.
But again, good luck on the group buy, I wish I could be part of it, and if I suddenly get a windfall in the next two days I probably will