Trying to compile the nvidia miner, getting this error on make:
/bin/bash: nvcc: command not found
make[2]: *** [cuda_util.o] Error 127
I haven't edited the
NVCC_GENCODE = -gencode=arch=compute_50,code=\"sm_50,compute_50\"
line in as per the readme as I don't know what I should change it to.
I have a 720M in my laptop, can anyone help?
(I usually mine on AMD cards, never tried with anything nvidia before.)
edit: wikipedia suggested my GPU was compute 3.5, so after installing NVIDIA CUDA toolkit and changing the above line to
NVCC_GENCODE = -gencode=arch=compute_35,code=\"sm_35,compute_35\"
it is continuing to compile, hurrah!
edit2: OK, after creating a spreadcoin.conf and adding this:
I restarted the QT client and ran the miner:
./spreadminer -o -u me -p meme
*** Spreadminer 0.1 - a SpreadX11 miner for nVidia GPUs ***
based on ccminer 1.2 Copyright 2014 Christian Buchner, Christian H.
based on pooler-cpuminer 2.3.2 (c) 2010 Jeff Garzik, 2012 pooler
SpreadX11 additions by tsiv
[2014-12-02 14:47:11] 1 miner threads started, using 'spreadx11' algorithm.
[2014-12-02 14:47:11] GPU #0: GeForce GT 720M, 7952 khash/s
[2014-12-02 14:47:11] GPU #0: GeForce GT 720M, 3554812 khash/s
And that's all it outputs. Nvidia settings app reports GPU temp up to a steady 51C and fan is whirring but there's no further console output, is this normal?