The point you are missing is that Vertcoin (or any other coin for that matter) is not tied to the value of SIGT. If the swap is 4 to 1, common sense dictates that it will be impossible for Straks to have more value than 4x the value of SIGT. This isn't FUD, this is economics.
I would argue that currently Sigt will follow the value of Straks, not the other way around. The ratio between them stays 4x yes but that doesn't mean Straks' or Sigt's value can't go higher than it currently is. After the swap period is over Sigt will become worthless and the ratio of 4:1 no longer holds.
Approximately 13,680 Staks are mined a day. Current value of SIGT is 342 sats, which is artificially inflated, but the current value none the less. With that in mind, .046 BTC, or $375 total is mined per day. I can't think of a scenario where this would be profitable, unless there were under 100 miners at work.
Care to clarify why you consider Sigt at 342 sats artificially inflated? Sure it looks that way if you look at the price a month ago. However, a month ago Sigt was a dead coin. So that's not a fair comparison. Back when Sigt project was doing well the value was hovering around 1000-1200 sats. I think currently Straks looks much better than Sigt ever did so in that sense Straks should be more valuable. I'd say the price of 6000 sats for Straks (i.e. 1500 sats for Sigt) seems reasonable. 6000 sats would mean 0.82 BTC are mined per day.
But lets put forget that detail for now and look at the amount of Straks set aside for this swap. It would take 6.5 years of mining on this blockchain to equal the amount earmarked for swapping. Actually it would take much longer than than that considering masternodes will take in anywhere from 30-60% of the block rewards, but I digress. When masternodes are enabled, there will have been 383,040 Straks mined. This is enough for 7 masternodes for the whole community. Yet, the amount of Straks available to swappers will be enough for 685 masternodes. Essentially the network will be run by people who have done nothing for this coin beyond owning some unrelated coin!
Still think this is all FUD? It should also be noted that I had to get this information off of a fucking file on their github. Their website, forum announcement, facebook page, reddit sub, and twitter feed make no mention of this SIGT swap. I'm sure this was done in the spirit of "transparency." The same readme file also states that this swap was voted on overwelmingly by 319 "community members" between Oct 30 and Nov 4 on discord and bitcointalk. Yet this announcement thread wasn't even created until November 20. What were the choices in the poll? Was voting down a swap an option? Of course not, the vote was to determine whether it would take 4 or 20 SIGT to get 1 Strak. Its not hard to see what the obvious choice was. Also not hard to see that this poll was only announced to SIGT owners. You are fooling yourself if you think this coin has been created for any reason beyond pumping up SIGT!
I don't pretend to know everything, so please, point it out if anything is incorrect. This is quite possible considering I had to glean this information from different sources, as the developers seem to conveniently omit information from this announcement.
It's seems you're new to this community if you haven't heard about the swap before. The swap was discussed in length here In short: The community wanted the swap to happen. Given that a lot of money was invested in Sigt it's fair that the existing Sigt coins can be converted to Straks. Now we could argue what's a fair ratio and how should be marked for the swap but that actually doesn't change anything. The reality is that existing market cap of Sigt will be converted to Straks' market cap. I can understand this might feel unfair for new miners but then again it's the same situation if you go mine any other old coin. The only thing that should matter to a new miner is how many coins you get and what's the coin value.