I am updating Sumokoin wallet block chain and it gets stuck at Block 116525 and will not update beyond that.
(I am using Sumokoin_Wallet-v0.0.2-x86-64 )
If I switch to the latest wallet https://github.com/sumoprojects/SumoGUIWallet/releases/download/v0.0.4/Sumokoin_GUI_Wallet-v0.0.4-w64.zip
and I do not wish to start downloading the whole block chain from scratch...
what can I do? is there a program to download the RAW blcokchain that will update the wallet? and what command to use?
Thank you.
There's now the lite wallet if you want to avoid download the blockchain entirely:
Otherwise the dev team tries to keep an uncorrupted RAW version of the blockchain available for direct download here:
If you continue to struggle with issue, check out the wiki, which has a nice troubleshooting section updated by the community :
If all else fails, pop into Telegram and ask for assistance there: