Hey James,
are we satisfied with Instantdex. As I understand it is a centralised solution.
Looks like NODE is doing it decentralized. Their new algortihm is out and working. Of course till now with small amounts of transactions.
Maybe NODE will be a good additive to supernets core, by adding instant transactions.
Maybe you already know all of it, but if not, please take a look.
disclaimer: of course I own some Node, but an irrelevant amount in comparision to my supernet tokens.
InstantDEX itself is fully decentralized. If you are trading things that are backed by MGW assets, then since MGW is distributed (between centralized and decentralized) arguably there is some risk from the distributed (vs decentralized) nature of the asset. However, there are also other types of ways instantDEX will clear the trades, including direct peer to peer.
We are looking into NODE, until recently I dont think they had things working