The idea behind SuperNet is great tho I'm not sure if it's codeable at all and how long it would take.
Is there any interest you gain from SuperNet shares/assets or whatever you call it?
And setting up a buy wall is a sign of weakness for me. I expect the price to drop below IPO.
I believe investors receive dividends equivalent to 50% of the superNET profits.
A lot of it is already coded. People are already testing the some of the networking involved as we speak.
There is still a lot of work to be done though for sure. Much of that from people other than James as well, like the UI design and such.
Unlike most IPOs the buy wall will be set at the raw net asset value of the currency held by superNET. Around 5700 BTC I believe(not to mention 3000+ BTC of added value from assets now). People who sell below book value are likely people who need their funds to pay bills or have emergencies that have come up in their lives. This is completely understandable and is bound to happen with any sufficiently large group of people.
Compared to your average 'coin' IPO where people are handing hundreds of thousands of dollars to a random group of people who've made promises and delivered nothing this is gold. Having both a large amount of code already as well as being fully backed by the money invested is unprecedented in crypto as far as I know.
It will be 50% of revenues, not profits. I dont like basing things on profits as it always becomes a bit fuzzy what the costs are, so there will be transparent accounts where the revenues come in and half that will go to SuperNET assetholders.
I would say 95%+ of everything other than Privatebet is coded. However, the last 5% is always the toughest and going through deployment testing can take a while. I speak of my code, not about the GUI side.
With 10 BTC available below asset NAV, it does seem to be limited to people with short term cash needs.
I do believe SuperNET is offering an unprecedented risk/reward profile, and when the cool graphics that shows people more of what SuperNET is (really just translating my text to pictures), then I think it will get more people interested in SuperNET
P.S. If anybody can get coinmarketcap to fix the SuperNET to change from TOKEN to UNITY and use the SuperNET asset id, this will almost triple its marketcap and it should get to #2 on the asset marketcap. Then again, not doing this will allow more accumulation at these prices so I could understand letting this incorrect data be out there longer