From another thread:
Can somebody explain how I can send any coin in the SuperNet using BBR's ring signature technology? It's really difficult for me to grasp how this is going to work ...
My very likely completely wrong guess:
Short guess though for BTCD --> BBR transaction is this: 'Teleport' the BTCD in to a multi sig 'telepod' onion routed through the supernet. MGW and instantDEX instatly converts it to BBR at market rate minus a small fee. SuperNET nodes use multisig to complete your BBR transaction according to the details you specified.
The above is pure non-technical speculation and should not be considered anything but a guess on my part!
Also, I don't think this is supposed to replace BBR. Having BBR and sending it is probably always the best option. But I think a big part of superNET is giving users options and making everything available to them and giving them a choice of what tech they want to use.
I thought this question would be better suited for this thread rather than one of the other FUD threads that have popped up.
There will be many ways to utilize BBR within the context of SuperNET tx
Assuming there is a liquid market for COIN, then a tradebot would automatically convert it into a set of telepods/BBR tx and send it to the destination, where it gets reconstructed or it could just be kept as received, or maybe the dest acct like to have some other coin and has tradebots to convert what is received to that.
Actually, next year I hope to have a set of portfolio maximizing tradebots that are actively seeking the best value for the local node's inventory and making the trades for them. The key for enabling this is to have the larger user base to maximize the number of available offers.
I did post some specifics on the SuperNET API, so hopefully this gives ideas on how things can be pieced together to make useful functions out of the components