I think you might have made a mistake in only allocating 1% of the superNET funds. That seems like too low of an amount to cover all the expenses that will be required. Development for all aspects would benefit from multiple developers, superNET core code, GUI(I know you don't do GUI and you do have some people already), code reviews, security audits, all of these things are worth doing. And the cost of hiring good technical people can add up fast, and with a project of this size 50 or 100 BTC doesn't sound like very much to me considering projects are often raising 10-20 times that amount for development alone.
So I guess my question to you is whether or not you plan to pay for essential development expenses out of the superNET funds. Because I think it's important that you do so in order to make sure you get the best people helping you create the best product you can.
Don't limit yourself and the funds you can use to make your project the best it can be just to avoid message board trolls. I hope you get the freedom to leverage this amount of money to make superNET fully vetted and fully secure.
if the 1% is not enough, then we can have a voting to allocate more of the investment funds, this cannot be arbitrarily changed as it was the "SuperNET rules" in effect the moment the first funds came in.
Now, there is 10% of the revenues that are available
I also want more a cause based volunteers than paid guys, though if we need to we will.
I can always fund some small expenses out of pocket and the NXTventure can also fund a few devs who are monetized via an asset who also do some key work.
I am fairly efficient at resource usage, so we will see if it is enough or not.
the problem is that I have a hard time to find any devs and it is just easier to do it myself than all this recruiting and explaining
when we get some few coins being added, then I think working with the other coindevs will quickly get the stuff done that we need.
So, there are quite a few possibilities and I have no idea what is the best one from this distance. I definitely agree about the code reviewing, so lets wait a bit to see what the funds available are what the costs are and what the revenues levels are, or at least some of them.
i think a really good use of the decentralized voting is to find a qualified code review, get the cost for the project and then submit it for a vote. Then the funds for these one time projects are allocated on a onetime basis.