Hi everyone!
Before I start going on main thing I would like to write that I finally figure it out.
I will e-mail this instruction to Developer Vasilkoff as well.
Hi guys.
I got problem with my wallet which is completly offline (
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vasilkoff.terracoinwallet). So I have tryied to import private keys but now I do not know to export them to terracion-qt.
This exported key file is named 'terracoin-wallet-keys-2017-07-27' but I can not find what type of file it is. You can open it only in Note and it is looks like this:
I can not see any option for import private keys in terracoin-qt. Could you help me please, I was trying to find answer manualy but I struggle with that...
What to do if you stuck your coins in TRC Wallet for android by
vasilkoff 1. Go to your app, and then press menu button {...}
2. Take
Back up private keys, make your own password and back up it up. Even if wallet is offline as it is all the time it will work!
3. Download OpenSSL, this is Windows one:
https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/openssl-0.9.8s-i386-win32.zip4. Unpack it and copy your key to same folder. Your back up key will be named like that "terracoin-wallet-keys-2017-07-11"
5. Run OpenSSL and type this:
enc -d -aes-256-cbc -a -in "INFILE" -out "OUTFILE.txt" -k PASSWORD
enc -d -aes-256-cbc -a -in "terracoin-wallet-keys-2017-07-11" -out "money.txt" -k Myprivatepass123
make sure file "terracoin-wallet-keys-2017-07-11" is in same folder together with OpenSSL.exe
6. After you press Enter in OpenSSL folder you will get "money.txt" file with this message inside
# KEEP YOUR PRIVATE KEYS SAFE! Anyone who can read this can spend your Terracoins.
which is your private key.
7. Open debug window in Terracoin-Qt
9. Wait loadings and enjoy your lost TRC's
At this point I would like to thanks those who was trying to help and inspired me to find solution
To conclusion, this Wallet is some kind of offline wallet but still I will not recommend using it to no one.
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