Our nomp pool payment processor stable already! The minimum payout is 70 VEGA !
Thats ok but if nobody gets there paypments what the point of giving away 50 % of nothing.
You need to get the payments sorted to people before you open up a pool, thats twice i've been ripped off on the official pool.
I'm sorry to say it but this coin is doing awful all due to op and his pool !
If there was no official pool and no payout rippoffs this coin would most likely do very well.
2 things need sorting here.
1. take down the offical pool for ever and stop giving the coin a bad name.
2. get somebody else to head this operation as its obvious op cant seem to handle whats going on or as pointed out, maybe something sinister is happening.
I hate to hate on this thread but OP is making a shambles of things.