Would be nice to have an answer of my legitimate concerns from the top viacoin community members..kamala, yingsena, or btcdrak himself. Or even that Erik Kohler (?) guy who's supposed to be the Viacoin Community manager that we haven't heard anything from in months.
At least spell my name right
No updates as I've had a bunch of other projects
(ones that pay) on my plate, but I'll hope to be active in the community end in the near future.
Cannot believe that nobody has quoted this b4
Srs stuff.
lol i didnt even catch this. thanks for bringing it up.
to Erik Koehler, concerning the mispelled name, thats what the (?) was for.
to btcdrak, 600+ btc raised, and u alone hold over 1 million VIA and god knows how much XCH, yet u cant pay your own community manager?
And still with the misspellings...
"Ones that pay" wasn't meant as a slight or an implication that I should be paid. I volunteered (as anyone is welcome to) to work on stuff when I have time. I'm just short on it the past few months.
I brought a bunch of others into the loop that showed interest, but any action items I assigned just kind of fell by the wayside (apart from 1 guy I'm working w/ on Morellian.com). This is a problem in face-to-face volunteer communities, so I imagine it's worse in virtual ones. If anyone is interested, I've got a list of stuff you can help out with if you've got video creating/editing (for explainer videos) or writing skills (for quick-pitch sheets) or any other ideas you might have. That's the beauty of crypto. Nobody owns this company. You can do whatever you want to promote it. And if you are a LT holder, it's in your best interest to do so if you have the means and the time.