Possibly. But the same was said 30% above the current one. And 20%. And 10%...
I personally think that if the gateaway works and real users start using it, it can be a top 25 coin
I agree. But those two "ifs" are rather substantial, aren't they? Lets assume the getaway works well, still the mother lode will be IF "real users start using it".
Why would they? Can you give me a compelling reason or two as to why would "regular users" use it, instead of the systems they are already familiar with such as google and facebook. And how exactly are they even going to know about this thing that offers them basically the same thing, but they and their counterparts, have to download a "wallet" (what? say they...) on their computers... Maybe there's a multimillion promotional campaign with TV ads and walls worldwide I am not aware of in the works, otherwise how exactly are they going to find out about it.
You do know "real people" really don't visit these forums, right?
Well this is not as facebook, in the op is explained who the gateaway will work.
I use "if", im not an oracle to tell you that were will be hundreds or thousands of users, or even 0. I dont know that. As i understand from what you are saying, you dont see the real world usages it will bring.
Getting real worlds users will need a pr campaign, i know that they dont read these forums. With a good pr campaign it will get real users.
You should compare this with skype credit calls, to get in the right direction
Why not the regular Skype, that is completely free? Or the many other services that provide video calls for free ---and will continue to do so, ever more frequently, ever with more quality and ever more for free, since they are ad-sponsored and part of bigger social networks?
Those providers are established and used 24/7 by BILLIONS of people across the planet. Now, PR or no PR, how are you going to get "regular people" to download a wallet (the whole concept would make them run for the exits from the get go), on BOTH ENDS, so people can use these service (for pay)? Is this really the basis for the future success of Viorcoin? Really?
skype isnt completely free. thats why you purchase skype credits. you pay for international calls.
That is simply not true. I use it every week, from 10,000 kilometers away, and pay nothing. 3-4 hours of excellent video calls. What are you talking about?
And who has said otherwise? Burn more.
What is the advantage of Vior, that is the (only) question... Oh wait, it is going to be much better, right?
privacy mate. who would want skype if you government can watch. imagine video calling your girlfriend with a possibility of the government watching.
what was the advantage of btc over usd? why has it gained so much value?
im not saying it is going to be better than skype im not that type of crypto looks beyond things. im not even hoping to beat skype or any other messaging app.
im not speculating this coin will be worth 600 or a thousand like others.
i just see this as a good investment. i dont care how much it reaches but i believe i will gain profit long term. dont know if 200 300 400 percent but i definitely believe this coin will reach a dollar each