I'm thinking the same thing...let's prioritize one of the other suggestions and move on that for now. It's good to know it can be done, but probably not as important as finding someone to work on the other ideas we have come up with.
Currently we have no one to work on new ideas or funds to finance it. If we do not get serious about these issues, immobility eventually affect the currency.
Hey Tevayo,
We do have some funds saved up, and I do agree with a previous statement on fundraising for development. The WhiteCoin fund address is WdPskLzGkjXkSns3BgkRF5fW5SveTBS7tR with about 650,000 WC raised. I also believe we have a small balance in BTC around .05 BTC. So at least we aren't starting from zero I'll need to see that we are current with any bounties paid for any of the previous developments before we can say that these funds are for upcoming developments. Apart of these funds/funds raised should be to reward those who are working on our current GUI Wallet update.
What do you guys feel is the best way to proceed? We can just "have at it" and donate to the the known WCF addresses, or, we could create WC and BTC addresses for specific development ideas. Of course, concurrently, we need to find out what is going to cost what.
Hey surfguy72, have been weeks discussing the improvements we want to WC, the reduction of time confirmation with privacy have been the most demanded. I think we should now be more specific and ask Mindfox a quote and an ETA for that.
656000 WCs in the bottom of the WCF is a pittance, and we should all donate more to bring out everything we want, but it seems that people want free stuff done. Or can also be the serpent biting its tail:
Do not donate because they do not make improvements or
improvements are not made because they do not donate?
Anyway we should fix that.
First, I've been asking Mindfox to lead us through the different options for a couple weeks now, both in here and IRC. I hate to be "that guy" but it is time for some constructive criticism in an area where the community is demanding some attention. These ideas get bantered about, but until Mindfox gives us some direction (specifics on which idea is most likely to succeed....cost and time estimates) we will continue to flounder.
Second, I have some experience with fund raising. And the "just give to a big/non-specific pot of funds" does not work. We need to pick a project...have concrete feature/time/cost expectations clearly defined...and then raise money for that project. This community will rally behind that idea and come up with funds - I have no doubt about that.
First, you are mostly if not fully right. I'm sorry he hasn't responded, its been quiet for me today too. But, maybe he plays favorites or something I want his opinion as well, and want to make sure he is justly rewarded for the work he's done, and will do for us. I don't think WhiteCoin has been lucrative for him at all, and I hope to change that. His time is limited, and split between IRL and other projects. So that leads into...
Second... Awesome, need all the help we can get! I agree too, because I think some of the ideas laid out will be expensive, and a big pot of funds isn't what i'd like to see, but rather donations/support to specific addresses that represent specific causes. Lead time i'm sure will fluctuate based on his workload and our support. He doesn't seem like one to say real specifics but I think having the financial support there will make it happen. And I don't mean to insert any words into his or your mouth if I have