WhiteCoin Foundation Financial UpdateHello WhiteCoiners!
I have a brief financial update for you in regards to our holdings as a foundation:
Current Balances: Bitcoin Account: 0.06806063 BTC
WhiteCoin Account: 538,697.575126
BitCoin Expenditures: None
NOTE: There has been some movement in the block explorer however this is only to do with the financial management of the account.
WhiteCoin Expenditures:75,000 WC: Twitter Bot Bounty (June 25, 2014)
As part of our bounties, we received a fully functional twitter bot.
https://twitter.com/whitecointip1,000 WC: Send to WC Twitter bot (June 25th, 2014)
To test and use with
www.twitter.com/whitecoiner85,000 WC : YouTube Video Bounty (June 24th, 2014)
As a part of our bounties, we received a visual effect video as well as a promise of promotion from a large twitter account for 85K WhiteCoin. The basics of this video can be seen as the entry point for whitecoin.info
10,000 WC: Developer Pay (Flubber) (May 22nd, 2014)
Sent to flubber for his work compiling the windows wallet for our last wallet update on very short notice.
50,000 WC: Developer Pay (Mindfox) May 22nd, 2014)
These amount to all of our expenditures to date, and we’re planning another round of payroll for our devs next week. In the next issue of payroll, we’ll be sending some WC to PCMerc for his help developing the Mac Wallet, as well as Oizopower, Cryptoseo, and myself for hosting costs.
A full update of what will be paid to these individuals will be made fully public.
Our Donation Addresses
WC: WdPskLzGkjXkSns3BgkRF5fW5SveTBS7tR
BTC: 1JN9kVvm1zxgYh3Ki1JNsPFPhcE5FfoyeR
This is what transparency looks like!
Best regards,
Chris Salsman
Acting President, The WhiteCoin Foundation