have any good news? i find in mytoken that the price going up a little!
but it still under the ico price, so i will still holding and wait it pumping up the ico price.
Technically it will be under ICO price for a LONG TIME unless something major happens. When ICO happend all major coins were down (ETH/BTC) Ico price was .008 cents to start... but that was a way higher SAT value.
With the main coins being super low ico rate was like 330 sats...
Currently the price of wicoin is at an astonishing .016$... but only 110 sats. Still technically a loss for anyone at ICO rate even if they got in at .008 cents. Once it reaches above 300-400 sats, then we will be talking $$$
None the less glad to see an increase on the price, should've picked up a buttload more at its ATL of like 15 sats.. ah well. The future was bleak here with lack of updates and anything else. Cant afford to dump even MORE money into something im completely unsure of.
Still hope for the best for WiC's future and the 30k+ tokens i still have held onto that I bought in the ICO