I don't set auto-payout (also at luckypool, for now). Hopefully, the pool operator is staking the pool's hot wallet. Leaving coins there for a little while helps pay his/her costs. It's my way of donating without using the 'donate' function.
Also, I want to have a great deal of control over how and when I get paid out.
Your situation doesn't match mine, though. You may want to have everything on auto-pilot for you. Consider the tx costs and pool fees and figure out what percentage of each payout you're willing to lose at payout time. Set your autopay accordingly.
Sort of. You'll need to generate a receive address. In the qt software, that's on the receive tab. There should be one automatically generated for you. You could just copy that into the autopayout field at your pool and you should be fine.
Thanks for the reply, well my wallet is setup correct. So if you don't set auto payout, how would I setup "auto-pilot"? Thanks for your help