je garde mes xmr mais pas trop:P. rapide (et toujours en anglais)
ForewordIt is not my plan, it is Risto Pietila's - I did add the shorting part, though.
Selling part"Sell 10% every time the price doubles"
1. Buy 100 @5k
2. Sell 10 @10k, 9 @20k, 8@40k (10% of remaining)
3. After three iterations, you pay back your expenses (this equates price 800%; spending 27,1% of original stash; maths are 10*10k+9*20k+8*40 > 100*5k and ((100-100*0.1)-(100-100*0.1)*0.1)-((100-100*0.1)-(100-100*0.1)*0.1)*0.1)
4. Rinse and repeat
Shorting part"When you sell, anticipate a 30% drop in price"
1. Once sold 10 @10k, place a buy order of 10 @7k (30% may be quite conservative - XMR loses 75% of its value every time)
2. Once sold 9 @20k, place a buy order of 9 @14k. If the order is not executed, cancel your buy order @7k (above) and enjoy the profit. If it is executed, place a sell order again of 9 @20k.
3. Once sold 8 @40k, place a buy order of 8 @28k. If the order is not executed, cancel your buy order @14 (above) and enjoy the profit. If it is executed, place a sell order again of 8 @40k.
4. Rinse and repeat
Ce qui est fou c'est que ça décole jamais sur mintpal en volume. Y'a que poloniex qui conserve le monopole du monero.
La force de l'inertie, firs-mover advantage ( est arrêté et n'a jamais décollé)
Edit: pas de version francophone de ton blog latapie? :°.
Ca dépend des articles. Dernièrement, j'ai pas mal posté en anglais, mais si tu descends, c'est surtout tu français. La traduction des articles, en revanche, j'ai arrêté il y a 10 ans.