that is very possible because it is very difficult to know if current holders will sell due to the 10% POS, and new investors will want in on that. a whale can invest 50btc and get 5btc a day. hold your seats people, i have a feeling 10k could be a understatement
They will all sell the second the 10% POS ends - anybody who doesn't is a moron. If it were me, I'd sell a couple days before to beat the flood and also to lure in idiots that think they'll get rich off the 2 additional days of 10% POS - the price will drop much faster than the extra coins will make up for because there just aren't enough people THAT stupid to buy this coin. It won't take long for people to realize this thing is completely worthless. 10k an understatement? You must be holding a HUGE bag full of pisscoins. 10k!? Funniest thing I've heard all day. I predict 1-2 satoshis within 30 days if any exchanges are even still running this buggy wallet.
yes listen to the guy who lied guys.
guys read his posts about yellow coin, you decide
community kača community , izgleda da imajo BTC
and multipool
we have multipool also...and a good one
so where are miners...
and I dont mind that steady rise...lovely