All shares willbe rejected.
Devs should fix the wallet.
We are mining with getwork on our testnet though? Will look into it. You fixed it on yours?
Getwork size is 128 if you did not change the size to lyra2z.
HexxCoin has it fixed, atlest when using cpuminer wallet needs the fix.
cpuminer-opt v3.6.0 works with fixed Zcoin wallet solo/Getwork.
Gpu miners not tested by myself because HexxCoin has none.
User felixbrucker has done more testing with the issue with cpuminer.
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- vchData.insert(vchData.begin(), 0);
- }
- if (vchData.size() != 132)
+ if (vchData.size() != 128)
I have compiled Zcoin windows 64bit wallet with the fix if you need with testing..
Was fixed on 5 Feb I believe.
That broke it!
It was working before that commit..
So I can confirm the wallet is working for both miners.
This has been tested and validated. (now in view of the size of the hashrate, it will take some time before you get a block)
Ask joblo for help.
Or Pm me.
Im not telling that your miner would not accept current getwork code, cpuminer will not.
Wallet source is coded wrong.
Validate drops after tesing 132 size. Gpu miner allows greater.??
Also the code above not valid for cpuminer.
Why none cant see it?